AI and the future of Governance

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Mr. Vikas Agarwal, an expert in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Cloud Computing, writes a special column for Deccan Mirror on the role AI could play in Governance.

vikas agarwal
Vikas Agarwal

Artificial Intelligence is the new mantra of the world of governance. It has become a key factor in the service sector throughout the world. AI offers the governments a good opportunity for citizen engagement, accountability, and interoperability. With the application of artificial intelligence, governments can increase their efficiency in understanding the real-time issues of people, their statuses, and can give themselves a chance to deliver the benefits to the needy citizens.

Taking one example, the technology by ‘Isarsoft Percetion’ can go further to investigate the traffic volume and can regulate the traffic lights, which can lead to effective traffic management. This is one of the smallest examples of how much AI can solve real-time problems in governance in the ever-growing populated world.

One of the first sectors to adopt AI mechanisms is the banking sector. AI is significant in the financial management of public-private partnership projects. Systematic and ethical use of data promotes intelligent and effective public administration. 

The complex process of policymaking can benefit from the use of AI techniques such as game theory, decision support optimization, data processing, opinion mining, etc. AI technology has the potential to create sophisticated decision models for government capital planning and budgeting. It can positively impact the evolution of financial systems and regulations. 

In public healthcare, AI techniques can be useful in the prediction of epidemic outbreaks. Valuable public-private partnerships can emerge as different stakeholders, such as government policymakers, hospitals, and IT firms, come together to address the challenges of the present and future. 

AI integration in the information, communication, and technology (ICT) sector can help in improving communication between the government and citizens. The public sector uses data management tools of AI for understanding the effects of policy. 

These are only some of the applications in governance with the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence. In a world that needs more effective methods by government bodies in achieving the true fruits of its policies for the common people, artificial intelligence can become a key player in achieving that.