Air India Express flight encounters mid-air glitch, lands safely after emergency measures

Air_India_Express Flight
A file photo of an Air India Express Flight © Joe Ravi, CC BY-SA 3.0

An Air India Express flight en route from Tiruchirappalli to Sharjah experienced a technical issue shortly after takeoff at around 5.40 PM, October 11, 2024. Its hydraulic system failed, affecting critical functions such as the landing gear, prompting immediate emergency protocols at Tiruchirappalli International Airport.

How the incident unfolded and how it was handled

The flight, carrying 141 passengers, declared an emergency at around 6.05 PM due to a hydraulic failure, which prevented the landing gear from retracting after takeoff.

Adhering to standard safety procedures, the pilot began circling above the airport to burn off fuel, a necessary precaution to reduce the risk of fire upon landing. The decision was made to ensure the aircraft’s weight was within safe limits for landing with potentially compromised gear.

Emergency services were swiftly mobilized at the airport. Over 20 ambulances and fire tenders were positioned around the runway, with all emergency teams on high alert. The airport’s director confirmed these measures to ensure the safety of all on board.

After approximately two and a half hours of circling, the aircraft made a safe, precautionary landing at Tiruchirappalli Airport around 8 PM. 

The successful landing was met with relief by onlookers and airport staff, who praised the pilot’s skill and also the effectiveness of the emergency response on the ground.

Following the incident, Air India Express issued a statement expressing regret for the inconvenience caused and affirmed their commitment to safety. ‘The aircraft circled multiple times to reduce fuel and weight before making a safe landing. We prioritize safety in every aspect of our operations,’ the statement read.

The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has taken over to investigate the cause of the hydraulic failure, trying to determine if it was due to maintenance oversight, mechanical failure, or another factor.

Passengers, although shaken by the ordeal, were reportedly safe. 

Air India Express organized arrangements for their onward journey or alternative accommodations.